I am a graduate student and NSF Graduate Research Fellow at the MIT Department of Physics. I study cosmology and particle astrophysics with Tracy Slatyer's group at the Center for Theoretical Physics, with a special interest in the nature of dark matter and 21 cm cosmology. In Fall of 2024, I will start as a Simons Junior Fellow at New York University.

I am committed to supporting underrepresented minorities in physics, and have previously served on the MIT Physics Graduate Student Council and Admissions Committee, and am currently a member of MIT's Graduate Womxn in Physics.

Prior to starting at MIT in 2019, I was an undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University, where I majored in physics and mathematics. I was fortunate to be supported by the Barry Goldwater Scholarship. During this time, I also worked on a number of projects while supervised by Marc Kamionkowski, Kimberly Boddy, Nadia Zakamska, David Nataf, and Andrei Gritsan.

Contact Information

Center for Theoretical Physics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave, 6-314
Cambridge, MA 02139

Email: wenzerq at mit.edu
ORCID: 0000-0001-7849-6585